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Turks Bulgarlar Osmanlı devletine SAVAŞ ilan...
Bulgarlar Osmanlı devletine SAVAŞ ilan etmişlerdir. Ordumuz Keşan'ı üs olarak kullanacak,ordu burada toplanacaktır.
gücü düşük olup savunmaya yardım etmek isteyenler gruplara katılsınlar.Herkes bir gruba girsin, lideri takip et demeyin, tarlalarda çalışmaya devam edin. Bulgar saldırısı şu anlık bir tehdittir işlerinizi aksatmanıza gerek yok, şu anda sadece önlemlerimizi alıyoruz
diacritis edited (smy)

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Българите обявяват война на Отоманската държава.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Tsjeggies údrzbář
Ty závity nebyla žádná legrace. Ono vymakat něco s cajkem, co máme v dílně, není jen tak. Ale pro tebe vždycky.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Service engineer
Bulgaars монтьор (сервизен инжинер)
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabies أنا العاشق الذي أحبك كثيرا
أنا العاشق الذي أحبك كثيرا

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Аз съм обожателят, който те обичаше толкова
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Albanies hargjime- mijat- mirseaedhum- jini- te dua-...
te dua-
e di-
dhe jini-

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars На разноски мои, добре дошли сте Вие..
Source language
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Frans Lundi 14 h. Eric Blanc réunit ses...
Lundi 14 h. Eric Blanc réunit ses collaborateurs.

E.Blanc: Je vous ai réunis pour préparer la journée de jeudi. M. Levaud, le directeur des assurances Alma, et sa collaboratrice, Mme Marzac, viennent essayer leur logiciel.

Vertalings gedaan
Russies Пн. 14ч. Эрик Блан собирает своих сотрудников.
Bulgaars Понеделник, 14ч Ерик Бланк заседава..
Source language
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Turks Cengiz AKYOL ...
Cengiz AKYOL ... tarihinden...tarihine kadar izinli olup bu süre zarfında aracının yurt içinde boşaltılıp yüklenmesini firmamızın yurt içi şoförlerinin yaptığını bildiririz. Saygılarımızla
bu çeviriyi bulgar yol polislerine almanca ingilizce olarak verilmekteyim fakat çoğu bulgar polis sadece bulgarca bildiği için problem yaşamaktayım o nedenle bulgarca gerekiyor.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Фирма „Cengiz AKYOL”
Source language
Engels Message for people who ask for translations on the message field
It seems you want to submit a text to be translated, but have done it incorrectly. In order to do it properly, you must click on [b]Translation[/b] on the top menu and then on [b]Submit a new text to be translated[/b] on the left.
Please leave [b] and [/b] marks as is, but translate the text between them.

Thanks! :)

<edit> "translate" with "translation" </edit> 03/01/francky

Vertalings gedaan
Brasiliaanse Portugees Mensagem para pessoas que pedem por traduções no campo de mensagem
Spaans Mensaje para las personas que solicitan traducciones en el campo de mensajes
Frans Message pour les membres qui demandent une traduction dans le champ de traduction
Italiaans Messaggi per gli utenti che richiedono traduzioni nel campo dei messaggi
Grieks Μήνυμα για όσους ζητούν μεταφράσεις στον χώρο των μηνυμάτων
Serwies Poruka za korisnike koji traže prevod u polju za poruke
Bulgaars Съобщение за хората, които молят за превод в полето за съобщения
Noors Beskjed for folk som spør etter oversettelse på
Sweeds Meddelande till människor som efterfrågar översättningar i meddelandefältet
Bosnies podnošenje teksta na prevod
Russies Message for people who ask for translations on the message field
Katalaans Missatge per a les persones que sol·liciten traduccions al camp de missatges
Duits Nachricht für Leute, die eine Übersetzung im Nachrichtenfeld erbitten
Turks Mesaj bölümünde çeviri talep edenlere mesaj
Arabies رسالة للأعضاء الذين يسألون عن التّرجمات في حقل الرّسالة
Pools Wiadomość dla osób, które proszą o tłumaczenie w polu wiadomości
Sjinees vereenvoudig 给希望在消息区索译的人的通知
Hongaars Üzenet azok számára, akik az üzenetmezőben kérik a fordításokat
Romeens Mesaj pentru utilizatorii ce solicită traduceri în câmpul de mesaje
Oekraïenies Повідомлення для тих, хто запитує переклади в полі для повідомлень
Nederlands Bericht voor personen die vertalingen vragen op het berichtenveld
Slowaaks Odkaz pre ľudí, ktorí si vyžiadali preklad v odkazovom texte
Deens Besked til mennesker, der beder om oversættelser i beskedfeltet
Hebreeus הודעה לאנשים שמבקשים תרגום בשדה ההודעה
Indonesies Pesan untuk orang yang bertanya tentang terjemahan pada kolom pesan
Yslands Skilaboð til fólks sem biður um þýðingar í skilaboðasvæðinu
Fins Ohje
Fœroese Boð til fólk sum ynskja umsetingar á boðs talvuni
Tsjeggies Zprava pro uzivatele, co zadajoi o preklad z textoveho pole
Japannees メッセージ欄上で翻訳を望まれる皆さんにメッセージ
Letties Informācija cilvēkiem, kuri pieprasa tulkojumus
Kroasies Poruka za osobe koje žele predati tekst za prijevod
Litaus Atrodo taip
Estnies Juhis
Bretons Kemadenn d'ar re zo o c'houlenn un treuskrivadur war lec'h an treuzskrivadurioù
Fries It liket derop dat jim in tekst
Albanies Mesazh për personat që kërkojnë përkthime në fushën e mesazheve
Latyn Nuntium pro eis qui desiderunt proponere novum textum vertendum in campo texti
Afrikaans Boodskap vir mense wat vir vertalings in die vertalingsveld aanvra
Iers Dealráionn sé go bhfuil teacs le haistriú agat
Masedonies Порака за корисниците кои бараат превод во полето за пораки
Farsie-Persies پیام برای افرادی که در قسمت پیام تقاضای ترجمه می‌کنند
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Duits Du bist dock... za alt meinst du? Na ja. Ich...
Du bist dock... za alt meinst du?
Na ja.
Ich kenne die Scorpions schon 20 Jare.
Ich wei|3 aber...
Seit 20 Jahre sind die Scorpions sine super Band, die beste in Deutschland! Ich bin ein Fan!
Ja schon, aber... Wie sieht das denn aus, wenn ich mit Papa komme?
Na, und?-Wo ist denn das Konzert?
Im Olympiastadion.
Und wanna?
Am 30. September, 21.00 Uhr.
Um 21.00 Uhr! So spat! Und wie alt bist du?
Vierzehn.Ich wei|3 ei ist sehr spat. Aber Jan geht auch, und Hanna auch.
Du mothtest doch auck hingehen.Also, Daniel... ick komme mit.
O, je!

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Ти си, но...колко възрастен имаш впредвид?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels tyfthyugty
"It's a whole school of whales!" called the second lookout. "Into the boat!" cried Captain Starbuck. Stormalong jumped from the ship into a whaling boat. The whaling boat, however, wasn't big enough for him, and there was trouble. If Stormalong hadn't been so big, he wouldn't have made a hole in the bottom of the boat. But he did! The water ran in and the sailors fell out. "You big elephant!" cried Captain Starbuck.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars На лов за китове
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italiaans ministero della salute
nel caso in specie qesto ministero ritiene di disapplicare il dm 25 novembre 1982 atualmente in via di modifica in attuazione [ce] 631/2004 [e quindi per evitare un possibile procedimento di infrazione nei confronti dell'itaalia] che impone una semplificazione delle procedure per favorire la libera circolazione all'intero dell'UE e un accesso direto alle curesanitarie [cure dovute per il temporaneo soggiorno] non garantito dalla precedente procedura che imponeva il rilascio di un libretto modulario da parte dalla ASL.
nel caso in specie qesto ministero ritiene di disapplicare il dm 25 novembre 1982 atualmente in via di modifica in attuazione [ce] 631/2004 [e quindi per evitare un possibile procedimento di infrazione nei confronti dell'itaalia] che impone una semplificazione delle procedure per favorire la libera circolazione all'intero dell'UE e un accesso direto alle curesanitarie [cure dovute per il temporaneo soggiorno] non garantito dalla precedente procedura che imponeva il rilascio di un libretto modulario da parte dalla ASL.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars министерство на здравеопазването
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels No need to run... you'll only die tired!
No need to run... you'll only die tired!
Before edits: "NO NEED TO RUN...YOU'LL ONLY DIE TIRED!" / pias 101207.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars "Не е нужно да бягаш..само ще умреш уморен"
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels Old stormalong
"There she blows! A whele! And another!" called the lookout.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars стария Стормалонг
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Duits Alle Vögel sind schon da, alle Vögel ,alle !
Alle Vögel sind schon da,
alle Vögel ,alle !
Welch ein Singen ,Musizieren ,
Frühling will nun einmarschieren!
Wie sie alle lustig sind ,
flink und froh sich regen!
Wünschen sich ein frohes Jahr,
lauter Heil und Segen.
Трябва да има малко рима

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Всички птици вече са тук,Всички птици,всички!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italiaans enrico caruso2
Quando lascio il suo lavoro di meccanico per dedicarsi al canto ,il padre ,arrrabbiato , lo caccio di casa.Un giorno disse della sua gioventu:"Ero spesso affamato,ma mai ifelice"
Aveva solo 25 anni quando divenne famoso a livello mondiale con la prima assoluta di fedora al teatro lirico di milano nel 1898.

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Енрико Карузо 2
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italiaans Enrico Caruso
Fu il diciottesimo di ben venuto figli,
ma solo il 'primo a superare l'infanzia.Inizio a cantare nel coro ecclesiastico locale e subito divene noto come "Carusielo"

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars Енрико Карузо
Source language
but those questions we can talk about or not it not so important to be talking about it all the time

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars важно за мен
Source language
Duits обява
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мейл,който получих,във връзка със запитване за автомобил

Vertalings gedaan
Bulgaars обява
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